Quincy University has been designated as America’s Best Community Builder and recognized for Best Sense of Community for 2024 by Loquate, a nonprofit organization in Chicago, IL, dedicated to fostering community, kindness and ongoing education.

Each year this national award is granted by Loquate to an organization that builds and maintains a strong sense of community in which the leaders of the organization prioritize helping others and the members make significant contributions to community-mindedness and betterment of their environments, internally and externally.

“Building community for over 50 years has taught me that I can’t make a living being a community builder,” said Jeff Liautaud ‘66, founder of Loquate. “Our nonprofit charity applauds America’s best community builders. We honor Quincy University with our annual award for top Sense of Community for 2024. Throughout the years the executive leadership of the institution has demonstrated their ability to become small so that their outreach becomes big. QU’s vision is distinguished by its focus on service and servant leadership and recognized for its commitment to academic excellence in the Franciscan liberal arts tradition.”

Loquate grants 5 scholarships to individuals of Quincy University’s choice considered to be top community builders to join Loquate’s journey to further a sense of community and group loyalty and support. The vote for 2024 was unanimous by Loquate’s Board of Directors.

“We are honored to be recognized as one of the nation’s best community builders, due in large part to our continued commitment to instilling Franciscan values among our students, especially a sense of service to others,” said Dr. Robert Wyatt, QU Vice President for University Advancement.

Founded in 1860 by Franciscan friars, Quincy University is a small Catholic university emphasizing the sciences, liberal arts and the professions. Quincy University offers undergraduate, graduate and adult education programs integrating practical experience and Franciscan values. Faculty and advisors work with students to design customized success plans to help them graduate on time, find their passion and prepare them for life. QU is a member of NCAA Division II for intercollegiate athletics. For more information, please visit xs8k.smxjjl.com or contact the Office of Community Relations at (217) 228-5275 or communityrelations@smxjjl.com. Quincy University. Success by Design.